About the five areas approach

booksThe five areas approach* is one of the world’s most used ways of communicating the CBT model. Aiming to provide an accessible language and powerful, clearly communicated change tools, the approach is widely used.

The key has been retaining the benefits of the CBT approach- its focus on problems of relevance to the person, it’s structured step by step approach, all built on a supportive relationship with a practitioner.

The approach has created a range of practitioner support resources that can be used to treat a wide range of mental and physical health problems. Linked training, consultancy and support provides implementation solutions that can make a big difference.

Some highlights:

  • One of the worlds most used Cognitive behavioural therapy self-help  systems.
  • Over 750,000 books sold.
  • Translations in 6 languages.
  • Award winning websites with over 5 million hits a month.
  • Evidence based outcomes, implementation and training – multiple RCTs in leading journals.
  • Major national roll-outs of the Five Areas Approach in the: UK (NHS Choices and NHS24),
  • Award-winning CMHA Bounceback Programme in Canada: Over 15000 people referred in Canada by GPs (llttf.ca and www.bouncebackbc.ca ).
  • Ireland: via the LLTTF face to face classes (aware.ie).
  • Systems available for back to work, depression, anxiety, life skills, alcohol, weight loss, long-term conditions, eating disorders.
  • .. and much more.


*The term Five areas is a registered trademark of Five Areas Resources Ltd.

About Five Areas Ltdkite

Five Areas Limited aims to provide high quality, accessible resources that help people to help themselves using award-winning, practical Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) treatment tools. We work with individuals, services and businesses, delivering service change/ redesign, training, online life skills resources and consultancy.

The development of the Five Areas approach began in 1998 with the creation of the Five Areas approach which aims to deliver the CBT model in an accessible and practical way that patients engage with. It has since become a leader in the design and development of CBT delivery resources.

We have a robust evidence base for our CBT self-help resources, with multiple randomized control trials and evaluations with positive outcomes, that have been published amongst the world’s top health journals. With extensive experience of delivery in Europe and North America, the approach is one of the most widely used CBT systems available.

Read the evidence base

With extensive experience of delivery in Europe and North America, the approach is one of the most widely used CBT systems available. Discover more from our Project Blogs on our home page.

At Five Areas our main aim is to increase accessibility to evidence based CBT interventions in a variety of formats, so people can access helpful and effective resources rapidly and locally.

Five areas produces resources for two main groups of people:
1. Practitioners – including training for services in how to use our CBT based materials, workshops, CBT resources and online courses with patients. The www.fiveareas.com site is the place to visit to find out more.
2. Members of the Public – available at www.llttf.com.

Treatment Workshops

We also provide workshops and training on how to introduce and use our wide range of CBT life skills resources.

Living Life to the Full for those with symptoms of anxiety, depression and worry

Reclaim Your Life – for those with symptoms of anxiety and depression, with an associated long term health condition

Enjoy Baby – helping mums to make positive changes in their lives and start to enjoy new parenthood

Book training: Visit www.fiveareas.com/training for details of our upcoming workshops or email training@fiveareas.com if you would like to arrange training for your team at your location.

The terms Five Areas and LLTTF are trademarks of Five Areas Resources Ltd.

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