Arrange Training

We frequently run training workshops for practitioners in how to deliver our various resources. Check out our current workshops here:

Upcoming Workshops

bookWant to arrange training at your own base?

We can offer training in how to implement and deliver any of our courses.

Typically, training can last between 1-4 days, for a single course.

Course Training include how to deliver:

  • We Eat Elephants (ages 5-12)
  • Living Life to the Full for young people (LLTTF YP) (ages 12-18)
  • Living Life to the Full (adult/older adult)
  • Enjoy your Bump classes (pregnancy resilience building)
  • Enjoy your baby Classes  (for postnatal depression/wellbeing)
  • Reclaim your life classes (for long-term conditions)

And more .

Download the booking forms and the flyers for each course here:


Service redesign and implementation programmes

We also can work with services on longer service implementation programmes- and can call on a wide bank of excellent trainers to deliver more sustained training programmes.

These can cover:

  1. Short training workshop/update for managers/team leads to catch up with the current evidence base for low intensity intervention.
  2. A systematic discussion understanding and defining of the local team referral/treatment pathways.
  3. Planning how to implement broad based Low Intensity interventions in the team/teams.
  4. A discussion/SWOT analysis of current systems/issues.
  5. The input of focused training to achieve this delivery – focusing on implementing components that are relevant locally.
  6. Helping establish supervision/structures to ensure new delivery methods are maintained and supported locally in the longer-term.

Training is very interactive, with attendees engaging in tasks that clients would in a real group, to demonstrate basic CBT based interventions, such as learning how to fly, acting in a more confident way and doing a WOW walk.

Review SPIRT training in Lincoln

Price: Please contact us to discuss your needs. Our consultancy rates start from £3000 per day (+Vat).


To find out more or to book training for your staff team please email

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Five Areas Ltd