LLTTF Groups / Classes


aeroplaneIn just eight, enjoyable 90-minute sessions, this programme can help patients make a difference to their lives.

With the help of a little book and expert guidance at each session, participants learn how to sort out their feelings when they feel low, worried or hopeless and will learn skills that help them tackle problems in their lives.

They will also meet new people and have a lot of fun!


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The Living Life Classes are very popular among primary and secondary care services and have even proved useful within inpatient settings. They can be used alone as a group treatment for symptoms of depression and anxiety, or for people to attend whilst waiting for other therapies.

As a general life skills course all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) the course aims to teach attendees to become their own therapist with the support of the trainers. The course is centered around 9 Living Life colourful booklets with associated worksheets for clients to fill out between sessions.

One of our team members will visit you at your chosen location to provide training for up to 40 members of your staff team. The training is very interactive, with attendees engaging in tasks that clients would in a real group, to demonstrate basic CBT based interventions, such as learning how to fly, acting in a more confident way and doing a WOW walk.

The course can be delivered over one or two days. Within the two day course your team will get a chance to practice presenting the course to their fellow learners, with no seriousness or judgment!

Sessions taught:

  1. Why do I feel so bad? – Teaches how to use the Five Areas Assessment Image4
  2. I can’t be bothered doing anything – Teaches behavioural activation to help people increase activity
  3. Why does everything always go wrong? – Helps people combat negative thoughts
  4. I’m not good enough – How to overcome low confidence
  5. How to fix almost everything – Problem solving for practical problems
  6. The things you do that mess you up – Problem solving for unhelpful behaviours
  7. Are you strong enough to keep your temper? – Techniques for mild anger and irritability
  8. 10 things you can do to help you feel happier straight away

Visit our Evidence Base or view case studies of services who are using the course.

Aware of the booklets and want to get straight on with delivering the classes? Please click here to read about our licenses.

Please contact us at training@fiveareas.com to book a local practitioner training course. We also offer training workshops on a regular basis, visit www.fiveareas.com/training for details.


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