Planning for the Future

The Planning for the Future training is a tried and trusted package aimed at nurses, health visitors, doctors and others who work with patients in hospital or community settings. It introduces a structured skills-based package that enables practitioners to work towards discharge with their patients by building on what they have learned during treatment in order to make effective plans to stay well in the future.

Suitable both as a practitioner training resource, and for direct delivery to people recovering from mental or physical health problems, this all in one resource will help attendees:

  • Identify key skills they have learned during treatment or therapyplanningforfuture1
  • Set a series of planned self-review sessions
  • Become confident in using the Plan, Do, Review model
  • Address fears and concerns for the future
  • Identify early warning signs of relapse
  • Create an Emergency Plan to use if significant set-backs occur

Covering all the key skills people need to embed and build on what they have learned during treatment in order to make effective plans to stay well in the future.

We will visit you in service for half a day, teaching you how to use this resource with your client group. Click here to read about one of the services using this resource

To read more about the course click here

Please contact us at to book a local practitioner training course. We also offer training workshops on a regular basis, visit for details.

Feel confident to get started straight away? Click here to read about the license.

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