SPIRIT Practitioner Training

SPIRIT stands for Structured Psychosocial Interventions in Teams. Using evidence based CBT written resources, this course trains practitioners in a jargon free approach, to teach their clients key life skills to aid symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The course is based on the evidence based Overcoming Low Mood and Depression Book.

Sessions taught:lincolnpage2

  1. Introducing and using written and linked online CBT resources
  2. The Plan, Do, Review support model
  3. Clinical Assessment using the Five Areas Assessment
  4. Reduced activity, Avoidance, Building exercise
  5. Noticing and changing extreme and unhelpful thoughts
  6. Problem solving, Tackling avoidance, Helpful and unhelpful behaviours
  7. Assertiveness, Anger, Communication, Building relationships, Carer support
  8. Medication, Improving sleep, Healthy living
  9. Planning for the future

Practitioners will use the book and its integrated worksheets to help clients become their own therapist.

Visit our evidence base page to find out more about the course, or read one of our case studies showing an example of its use.

To read about our SPIRIT training for practitioners click here

Please contact us at training@llttf.com to book a local practitioner training course. We also offer training workshops on a regular basis, visit www.fiveareas.com/training for details.

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